Thursday, March 13, 2014

Go GET DRESSED! Compassion: Intel Science Talent Search

Hi everyone, I know it's been a few weeks, but I had not seen anything inspiring until EARLY this morning on the 3:30AM news. . . couldn't sleep!

Today I saw a news broadcast about the Intel Science Talent Search. I have not ever heard of this event before and was quite intrigued for many reasons. 

The Intel Science Talent Search (Intel STS), a program of Society for Science & the Public, is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious pre-college science competition. It honors exceptional high school seniors for their scientific research and their potential as future leaders in the scientific community." Basically, the science field invites these teenagers, heralded as the next generation of scientific leaders, to compete in science and math innovation. Historically, some of the winners of this Talent Search have won awards from Nobel Prize to National Medals of Science.

The Grand Prize, for a TEENAGER, is $100,000. This year money goes to Eric Chen, a senior at Canyon Crest Academy in San Diego, won for his microbiology research, which targets possible medicines for treating the flu. He leaned on both computer modeling and biology to find drugs that are inhibitors of endonuclease, an enzyme that allows viruses to spread to pandemic proportions.
Additionally, each finalist receives:
  • An all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, D.C.
  • An opportunity to meet with government officials, including the President or Vice President of the United States
  • A chance to interact with distinguished scientists and display science project research at the National Geographic Society

This is incredible, right? Teenagers who are already working on medicine for the flu and cures to cancer. But I don't want to focus on this event, but the comment of one specific young lady's comment. This girl said that due to the death of 4 of her family members to breast cancer, she (at age 15) has started trying to find a cure. She said she was moved by to do something about epidemic and she has already done more in her lifetime then some of us ever will.

MY MIND makes its own connections and this girl, the tone in her voice, and the expressions on her face as she described all of what she's discovered and how much difference this work will make, made me think about Jesus. HUH? I believe she was moved out of compassion, not fear of it happening to her. We frequently hear and read the scriptures about Jesus being moved with compassion

What is compassion? It is defined as sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
What does it mean that Jesus was MOVED? Yes, move can mean go in a specified direction or manner; change position BUT is also means change or cause to change from one state, opinion, sphere, or activity to another. ACTIVITY! He did something. He didn't just sit there and pray over people. 

Matthew 14:14 And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick.

Matthew 20:34 Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes; and immediately they regained their sight and followed Him.
Jesus' COMPASSION MOVED HIM to action. He healed the sick, fed the hungry and raised the dead. If Jesus is our example, then we should also be moved by compassion. How do you know when you are moved by compassion? When you have a concern for the others and you feel a need to ACT. 

Compassion should move us to do whatever we are able to do when we feel a deep sensitivity and caring nudge. But Kim, you may be asking, How do I know I'm moved with compassion? And if I am, what can I do?  I cannot tell you what you will feel, but I can share a personal testimony of a time I quenched the spirit in this very area. I recall years ago being in a restaurant talking to a patron who was affected very badly by Hurricane Isabel. I felt so connected to her and was led by a nudging in my spirit to give her some money, but I let her leave and did not do anything. I was wondering to myself, "What in the world?! I don't know this lady. I don't have any money and what I have won't help her."
 I was so baffled by what I was experiencing and of course hindsight I realize that was the Holy Spirit moving me and I should have responded. Boy did I get a spiritual spanking and I really had to pray for sin of omission because I felt it so strongly. 

Colossians 3:12a  Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts,kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,

We Christians but on compassion like clothing! so ...GO GET DRESSED! Cover yourself with COMPASSION, let it move you. Do whatever you can do. We can make a phone call, send a card, make a meal, give a hug, give some money,  share God's word or do whatever you are lead to do. Give from your heart, not a feeling of obligation or for praise or attention. GO GET DRESSED!