Friday, December 6, 2013

Put it On! Lord of the Rings

Hi everyone, 
This is my first actual post for my new blog: Elder Kim's Eye-Opener on Entertainment!

A few weeks ago was watching the movie Lord of the Rings 2 You remember, it was that crazy scene at the end when all of those weird creatures come as a massive army to get into the castle and the elves have come to help. (Now I'm not a LOTR fan so excuse my lack of proper naming and vocabulary:) Théoden gathers his men to fight against Saruman's army of Uruk-hai for the battle of Helm's Deep.

I was particularly intrigued at the scene prior to the battle. I watched intently when all of the available men were preparing for war and putting on all of their equipment and getting the weapons, of whatever sort. Not only were they involved in ensuring they had all of their own stuff together,  but they had to take time to assist other persons for the battle as well: elderly men and younger children who do not typically prepare for this type of encounter. They were seen aiding each other putting on head gear and tying each other's armor on. 

This scene instantly made me think about two scriptures: The Armor of God from Ephesians 6:10-18 and The Spiritual War 2 Corinthians 10:1-6. When I watched the men helping the young children get ready for battle by helping them put on their equipment, I remember observing children trying to look strong, bold and ready, but they were possibly quite confused and bewildered about everything going on around them. I'm sure they were completely unprepared for this battle.  I wondered to myself, "Had they been exposed to any smaller battles? Is this humongous upcoming war their first view of battle? And for the elderly men, how long had it been since they were in a battle? Were they healthy enough to fight? Really they had to fight, it didn't matter if the youth or the older men, or anyone was ready. The army is coming and everyone has to fight. 

In my own world I questioned myself about my parallel to this dramatic movie scene. Have I only been concerned about my preparation for spiritual warfare? How often do I teach my children about the spiritual war going on and about how to discerning the devil's devices? I want to be intentional about not just recognizing the spiritual warfare happening all around me and yes being prepared with the full armor of God, but also being available to help someone older or younger than me put it on as well! That means I have to train, teach, and share my wins and losses with them so they can be encouraged from my war stories. Additionally, are the seniors in my life resting on their past victories but possibly missing current and upcoming situations that the devil could use to come into their lives? 

Are we as saints teaching our children to be polite and educated, but not prepared for spiritual battle? Furthermore, are we constantly engaging our elders in conversation to learn about their past victories so we can be blessed from their conquests against the devil?

I challenge you to learn from this particular movie scene as I have. Be ready for the battle, no matter what size, and help other's around you too! 
Finally, I leave you with this scripture:

Ephesians 6:18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

love, peace and hairgrease, KIM

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