Tuesday, December 10, 2013

THE INCREDIBLES MOVIE: What's Your Force Field

WHOO WHEEE! I LOVE this movie! We used to have the DVD but a son of mine lost it! However, I just caught it on DISE channel and I watched it all by myself!

 This movie has everything the perfect animation movie has: action, family values, suspense, and do not forget AWESOME theme music! As I reflect on the impact of this movie, I realize there are so many many many (imagine Commandant Eric Lassard from Police Academy saying that:) lessons to pull from this movie. But this blog will focus on GIFTS.

If you have not seen The Incredibles movie, it is a 2004 animated movie about a couple who retired from being superheroes because the government made them go undercover. They try to assimilate into "regular" life in the suburbs. But a series of events leads them into a story of self discovery as they save the world from evil forces.

My blog today focuses mostly on the Parr's daughter, Violet. Violet is the eldest child of the family, the only daughter, who a pre-teen who is moody and hides behind her hair. She is scared to talk to a boy she likes. Her amazing superpowers include creating spherical force fields around herself or other objects and turning invisible.

Do you remember when Helen/Elastigirl found out that Mr. Incredible was out on some island? Well, she borrowed a plane and went to go find her husband. Helen/Elastigirl asked her daughter Violet to put a force field around the plane when they were being attacked. Up until this point, Violet had been prohibited from using her powers. She was not confident and had no practice...

Elastigirl: Put these on. Your identity is your most valuable possession. Protect it. And if anything goes wrong, use your powers.
Violet: But you said never to use...
Elastigirl: I know what I said! [sighing] Remember the bad guys on the shows you used to watch on Saturday mornings? Well, these guys aren't like those guys. They won't exercise restraint because you are children. They will kill you if they get the chance. Do not give them that chance.

Now I know this is a fiction story, but there is a lot of truth in this scene. The Incredibles family had superhuman gifts that they were not using and then when it was time for the children to use them, they were hesitant and were in a situation where their lives depended on these gifts.

This part of the movie brings I Peter 4 into my mind: 
Serving for God’s Glory
I Peter 4:7 But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers. And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”[c] Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. 10 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 11 If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Let's focus in specifically on 1 Peter 4:10a: “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace...” Now, I'm not going too deep with this and not discussing spiritual gifts, this is not a sermon!

Whatever gift we have, whatever the degree or type, it belongs to Christ and should benefit the entire body; the gift should edify the body not be used for personal gratification. When Violet began to operate in her gift, she did not just protect herself with her invisibility, she put up her force fields to protect others every time!

Here are some examples: 
1. She protected Dash in the force field when they were trying to escape from the soldiers in the woods.
2. Violet helped battle those same soldiers with her parents.
3. She created a force field to protect Dash again against the machine in the city, and protected the entire family at the end when the plane exploded after Jack Jack was rescued by Elastigirl.

Violet  may have used her invisibility to get away, but she used her GIFT of FORCE FIELD to PROTECT her family (see a trend?)

Violet is now operating in her gifts and now understands  more about who she is; she is now a proud family member of the Incredibles superhero family who came together for a purpose. This realization impacts her physical appearance and her social interactions: Violet's hairstyle now features her face, she speaks more confidently to her classmates, and she is not dressed nor holding her stature as if she is depressed. (Did you ever start doing something and you finally felt like your TRUE self just came on the scene?)

Lesson learned/Food For Thought:
FOR YOU: What's your Force Field?
What is the gift that you have that may not have been nurtured as a child? If you know what your gift is/gifts are, are you sharing them to bless the body of Christ? Do you protect your gift? How do you strengthen and grow your gift? Who have you designated in your life to speak into your life and help you have accountability regarding your gift? This is important as this person can help you stay humble, stay in the mindset of service and discipleship, not pride.

FOR YOU THE PARENT: We the parents have to help the children discover and cultivate their gifts. We cannot be so self-absorbed in our own lives that we do know learn our children and recognize their interests, likes, strengths, gifts, and talents.

In my own personal experience, I started down the path towards God because of an early interest and talent in singing. However, my ministry has grown far greater than music.  Fostering our children's gifts can help them stand in their true identity and discover their true purpose and be ready for the call.

love, peace and hair grease, KIM

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